BEFORE you throw your stethoscope across the room and do a burn-out in the doctors parking, check out my list of thought-provoking questions that I use to help fellow physicians and colleagues.

I ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY understand how you are feeling.

You got yourself through training, started practicing with the intent that life would get better and BAM now realize that this is NOT want you signed up for.

I know what it feels like to be drowning in charts, pages and clinic demands paired with taking care of my family… and just feeling EMPTY.

But HEY I also now know what it is like to practice medicine on my own terms in a sustainable way!

Let me email you because….

  • No matter how you feel, YOU ARE NOT STUCK or ALONE!
  • Real change is possible in ANY circumstance
  • Legit help is available from a colleague who’s been there!

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